domingo, 1 de julio de 2012

Case study

Walden University

A higher degree, a higher purpose

Sol Alexandroba Villa Romero
Walden University
Jesus Borrego

Lowe and HP: The Business Case for Swarming Collaboration
            At Global advertising agency Lowe & Partners Worldwide Hong Kong an executive receives a request for a proposal for a potential client, he calls experts in the issue of to invite them  to England. Guests bring others thus forming a creative crowd. Everyone focuses on his own labor. Finding the resources they never knew existed, says Ethan Schoonover, e-business director for the Asia-Pacific region. This company, like many others, faces the need to match skillfully with small competitors. customers ask for changing trends in short time As would become a large multinational? For Lowe, small software is facilitating the collaboration of ideas inner and outer, this can also send entire files and not part by part. The software is called Groove from Groove Networks.
On the other side of the world, HP Services also meets to make an ERP project, needing support from people with little Timelines working on similar projects, getting together to face this time self-organizing themselves in a peer-to-peer. In the HP company, the swarm makes teams around the world collaborate together, looking for deals and engaging in consulting, causing them to engage in the swarm, We're Bridging Organizations, suppliers, distributors-even Corporations,'' says Samuel, who works from home on the island of Bute off the coast of Scotland. Samuel said that the investment in a swarm has recovered lost bids if it does not exist. If I'm a high-level manager and I've got a lot of Allocating people to self-Arising projects on the fly, keeping Those other people are doing things on track starts to be a problem,'' I says. "The solution is better communication, understanding. To be effective in the future, you need collaboration," says Samuel.
       Potential customers want to see how the team and are invited to download free software, because according to the director of Lowe, have become partners, swarm technology, referring to the ability to communicate that has Lowe. "It Make it so much simpler to bring together a diverse group of minds,'' Schoonover says. The swarming makes save money and time.
Case study questions.
1. - What are the business benefits of swarming collaboration?
            The benefits of such collaboration are very good, because as said Samuel, an employee of HP, the investment is recovered when you realize all those missed opportunities and offers that were not. For Lowe, a swarm was a great union of talent and creativity up finding resources not know existed. It is generally a very good option, considering you have to learn to work together to make things work.
2. - What are some possible limitations of swarming?
            It could be said that a limitation of this type of collaboration is that it not established or controlled the behavior of each individual member, also the availability or an internet connection, because without this they would give no such collaborations. The time depending on the area or country where they are located to maintain a constant communication and a common interest.
3. Visit the website of Groove Networks and experience their demo of working in a shared workspace. Would this support workgroup collaboration?
When I entering the page, this displays many applications, saw German opinions that say you have to synchronize with the client or whoever try in the world, time is an important factor. Trying to answer this question. I think it is supporting collaboration because the applications are the programs Windows Office package, in a software called, Microsoft Share Point Workspace, which gives them confidence that everyone is up to date on what happens, is saved money and time. It sends and shares much information in full for the speed and is available where there is an internet connection since you can use in portable computers.
            The impact of swarm collaboration is very big and very positive, as the TEAM made ​​up of several people in the world has a common interest which is to meet the needs of both themselves and the company. In the companies involved did not show the negative aspect of these collaborations, which as I said before, may be the limiting one internet connection, timing or synchronization of the members, which is the same. In short it is a brainstorming, shared aspects of deals, consulting, opportunities, projects, etc.
Customer and employees work toghether to achieve wath they want. It is the ability to manage each resources that they have.